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  3. 無情野火肆虐澳洲!妮可基嫚、休傑克曼群星送暖號召捐款救災


By Thom 2020-01-06 2020-01-06 18:41

熱浪侵襲澳洲,首都坎培拉陷入八十年來最高溫攝氏 44 度,加上強風助長,全國超過兩百處遭野火肆虐,災情為數十年來最慘重。妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)、休傑克曼(Hugh Jackman)、紅粉佳人(Pink)、李奧納多狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio)、娜歐蜜華茲(Naomi Watts)等眾多好萊塢明星紛紛捐款或在社群媒體上聲援,分享捐款資訊,希望全球網友一起加入協助澳洲災民。(variety

▼ 澳洲女星妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)與丈夫共同捐出五十萬美元給鄉村消防局(Rural Fire Service):「我們一家與澳洲受野火影響的民眾同在,支持他們並為他們祈禱」,並附上捐款連結。


▼ 紅粉佳人(Pink)捐出五十萬美元賑災:「看到澳洲現在遭受恐怖野火肆虐讓我感到心力交瘁,我直接捐了五十萬美元給在前線奮鬥的地方消防局,我的心與我們在澳洲的家人朋友同在。」



▼ 澳洲男星休傑克曼(Hugh Jackman)上傳災民照片並分享捐款資訊:「你能怎麼幫忙?」



▼《酷男的異想世界》男星強納森凡尼斯(Jonathan Van Ness)分享過去在澳洲的照片與影片,表示:「看到這幾天狀況變糟令我感到心碎…,至我的連結捐款給Celeste Barber 的澳洲募款活動…」



After having had the chance to film a special episode of @queereye in Yass, Australia in 2018 I fell in love. My heart has been broken these last days watching the situation deteriorate there. The people, animals, and spirit of Australia is so beautifully unique & seeing how much everyone has banded together to help is major especially @celestebarber and everything shes has done to raise funds for her country in this crisis. Go to the link in my bio & donate to @celestebarber Australia fundraiser & if you’re in a position to donate anything that would be a very much appreciated. It’s estimated over 480 MILLION animals are dead & as fires are continuing to grow. They will surly need all the support they can get

Jonathan Van Ness(@jvn)分享的貼文 於 張貼


▼ 尼克克羅爾(Nick Kroll)與澳洲男星喬艾格頓(Joel Edgerton)一同為澳洲募款:「喬艾格頓和我為新南威爾斯州消防局募款,以對抗無情野火。」


▼ 漫威超級英雄電影《上氣》男星劉思慕(Simu Liu)正在澳洲拍片,也在推特上表示:「提醒大家野火正在肆虐澳洲,人們冒著危險保護社區和家園的安全。」



#Regram #RG @gretathunberg: Australia is on fire. And the summer there has only just begun. 2019 was a year of record heat and record drought. Today the temperature outside Sydney was 48,9°C. 500 million (!!) animals are estimated dead because of the bushfires. Over 20 people have died and thousands of homes have burned to ground. The fires have spewed 2/3 of the nations national annual CO2 emissions, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. The smoke has covered glaciers in distant New Zealand (!) making them warm and melt faster because of the albedo effect. And yet. All of this still has not resulted in any political action. Because we still fail to make the connection between the climate crisis and increased extreme weather events and nature disasters like the #AustraliaFires That has to change. And it has to change now. My thoughts are with the people of Australia and those affected by these devastating fires.

Leonardo DiCaprio(@leonardodicaprio)分享的貼文 於 張貼

▼ 澳洲女星娜歐蜜華茲(Naomi Watts):「已經失去眾多野生動物,夏天才剛開始。我的心與這些失去所愛和家園的人同在,感謝勇敢的消防隊員在假日幾乎沒休息!!」



▼ 李奧納多狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio):「我的心與澳洲受難的人民同在。」



#Regram #RG @gretathunberg: Australia is on fire. And the summer there has only just begun. 2019 was a year of record heat and record drought. Today the temperature outside Sydney was 48,9°C. 500 million (!!) animals are estimated dead because of the bushfires. Over 20 people have died and thousands of homes have burned to ground. The fires have spewed 2/3 of the nations national annual CO2 emissions, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. The smoke has covered glaciers in distant New Zealand (!) making them warm and melt faster because of the albedo effect. And yet. All of this still has not resulted in any political action. Because we still fail to make the connection between the climate crisis and increased extreme weather events and nature disasters like the #AustraliaFires That has to change. And it has to change now. My thoughts are with the people of Australia and those affected by these devastating fires.

Leonardo DiCaprio(@leonardodicaprio)分享的貼文 於 張貼






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