Vicky Tseng and Hans Chung break boundaries with steamy sex scenes in Mom, Don't Do That! -DramaQueen電視迷
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Vicky Tseng and Hans Chung break boundaries with steamy sex scenes in Mom, Don't Do That! 

By DramaQueen電視迷 2020-12-22 2021-03-09 17:43

Upcoming Taiwanese Series Mom, Don’t do that! features Vicky Tseng as a sexy teacher coupled with Hans Chung who plays an ingenious and upright straight man. Even without his usual charm of a model, Chung’s dorky character still enjoys some steamy sex scenes with Tseng’s––– scenes that he promises will turn you on. Tseng agrees, not without blushing, that the scenes are of the most boundary-breaking she had done since her entering of the show business. Having played as a couple with him before, producer Alyssa Chia joked that it was very amusing to see her “ex-husband” Chung play Tseng’s lover. 


It was Christmas at the time this article was written–––a time, Alyssa Chia said, that is supposed to be spent with one’s family. “I spend a lot of time before Christmas on what presents I should give to the kids. It takes time to figure out.” Chia said.


The cast of Mom, Don’t Do That! / yangmingXstory


Billie Wang, on the other hand, said that she spent her Christmas and New Year’s Eve with her son Nick Chou. “There was this once when we were in Japan and there was a lot of snow, and we were so excited that we were screaming. But I’m staying in Taichung with my son this year because he is to perform at the New Year’s Eve countdown party,” Wang said. 


Hans Chung said that his most memorable New Year’s Eve was spent with his new-born son. With the company of his wife, he felt full of hope at the time, as they welcomed the birth of a new year. “But my son slept through the last two New Year’s Eves, so it was just me and my wife, and some late-night snacks. We did the countdown together, hugged each other, and wished for a better year,” Chung revealed. “But my wife is probably going to be busy with work this year. So it’ll be just me and my son,” he continued, seeming a little sulky. 


Austin Lin plays Billie’s future son-in-law as well as Alice Ko’s character’s lover in Mom, Don’t Do That! The crew joked that Billie was constantly cracking up at Lin’s cheeky pick-up lines. “I may be in love with your daughter (Alice Ko), but you will forever be my one and only. I think of you when I’m with her,” Lin said to Billie in an attempt to flatter her. Billie laughed, “Austin’s always fooling around. It’s really fun to work with him––– he comes up with all sorts of funny jokes when we’re on set.”


Mom, Don’t Do That! is scheduled to air in the second half of 2021.



