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  3. 「女超人」迎接新生兒!梅莉莎班諾伊首曝兒子命名


By Catherine 2020-09-26 2020-09-26 10:27

以「女超人」一角廣為人知的美國女星梅莉莎班諾伊Melissa Benoist)正式升格成媽!


她與因戲結緣的老公克里斯伍德Chris Wood)今日雙雙在 Instagram 上,公開兩人迎接第一個兒子到來,並揭曉新生兒的全名為赫胥黎羅伯特伍德(Huxley Robert Wood)。



Huxley Robert Wood got here a few weeks ago and this little boy is everything

Melissa Benoist(@melissabenoist)分享的貼文 於 張貼



Our son was born his name is Huxley he’s amazing and no it’s probably none of your business xo brb see you in 18 years

Chris Wood(@christophrwood)分享的貼文 於 張貼


伍德夫妻倆於 2016 年時在《女超人》(Supergirl)片場相遇,戲中火花延燒戲外,交往多年後於去年 2 月訂婚,接續 9 月在南加州的歐海鎮舉辦溫馨婚禮交換誓言。


今年 3 月時,梅莉莎班諾伊發布懷孕喜訊,當時夫婦兩人還有兩隻愛狗一同入鏡,她手中拿著一件寶寶的衣服,如今真的已實現一家成五口的願望。



A non-canine child is coming to our family very soon!!! @christophrwood has always been an old dad by nature but now he’s going to be a real one!

Melissa Benoist(@melissabenoist)分享的貼文 於 張貼


梅莉莎班諾伊日前宣布主演美劇《女超人》即將完結,將於 2021 年播出最終第六季。這是繼《綠箭俠》後,第二部完結的 CW-DC 綠箭宇宙系列影集。



To say it has been an honor portraying this iconic character would be a massive understatement. Seeing the incredible impact the show has had on young girls around the world has always left me humbled and speechless. She’s had that impact on me, too. She’s taught me strength I didn’t know I had, to find hope in the darkest of places, and that we are stronger when we’re united. What she stands for pushes all of us to be better. She has changed my life for the better, and I’m forever grateful. I’m so excited that we get to plan our conclusion to this amazing journey, and I cannot wait for you to see what we have in store. I promise we’re going to make it one helluva final season. el mayarah @supergirlcw

Melissa Benoist(@melissabenoist)分享的貼文 於 張貼








