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  3. 《無照律師》最終季殺青!「哈維」「麥克」眾演員IG感性告別


By Thom 2019-08-30 2019-09-24 13:05

USA 電視網律政劇《無照律師》(Suits)最終季第九季已於本週四正式殺青,劇中要角「哈維」蓋布瑞麥奇Gabriel Macht)、「麥克」派屈克約翰亞當斯Patrick J. Adams)、「唐娜」莎拉拉弗提Sarah Rafferty)、「珊曼莎」凱瑟琳海格Katherine Heigl)與「路易斯」瑞克霍夫曼Rick Hoffman)紛紛於 Instagram 或推特發表動人感言。


「哈維」蓋布瑞麥奇上傳一張與妻子賈欣妲貝瑞特(Jacinda Barrett)離開片場的背影照,說道:「九年前我和生命中最重要的人一起踏上《無照律師》的旅程,我們一起經歷了很多事…有些很順利、很多有挑戰性,還有雙方和深愛的人分開的無數里程與時數、日子、月份的犧牲。這段苦樂參半的日子裡,很慶幸有妳一起走到時代的終點。我也要感謝我那超棒的工作人員、有才華的演員陣容,以及一直支持的粉絲…更感激@賈欣妲貝瑞特,因為如果沒有她,這一切都不會發生。」



9 years ago I started the @suits_usa journey. It all began with the most important person in my life by my side. This life that has offered us so much...some easy, many challenging, countless miles apart and hours, days, and months separating us and our loved ones not to mention years of sacrifice on so many levels. I count my blessings you sticking with me through to the bitter sweet end of this era. As I have thanked my wonderful crew, my talented ensemble, and the fantastic fans that keep coming back for more...I am most grateful for @jacindabarrett because without her there is no way any of this would have happened. #wedidit #SandL #proofisinthepudding #love #nextchapterstartsrightnow

Gabriel Macht(@iamgabrielmacht)分享的貼文 於 張貼





「唐娜」莎拉拉弗提上傳一張含著眼淚,與「路易斯」瑞克霍夫曼Rick Hoffman)的合照,寫著:「我的好兄弟結束最終拍攝,此刻無以言喻」。



And that’s a series wrap on my brother @rickehoffman. No words for this one. 

Sarah Rafferty(@iamsarahgrafferty)分享的貼文 於 張貼





And the next chapter begins...

Rick Hoffman(@rickehoffman)分享的貼文 於 張貼


凱瑟琳海格上週已結束拍攝,近日也發表在多倫多拍攝《無照律師》最終季的感言,並上傳一張與丈夫的自拍合照,寫著:「拍攝《無照律師》、飾演珊曼莎(Samantha Wheeler)的最後一週從禮拜一開始,於週五結束…有很多珍愛要告別、很多東西要打包,我想我今天只想好好地穿著我的睡衣準備迎接這一切惶恐,這聽起來是個好主意」。



Just had a perfect week with my Dad, Uncle Ralph and Aunt Betty who were visiting from Atlanta. Toronto did not disappoint in beauty, fun and gorgeous weather...except for the out of no where hailstorm this afternoon. And even that was kinda gorgeous. Dinner at the @cntower may have been the highlight for me. For them it may have been their set visit to @suits_usa and getting to meet all their favorite characters. Either way it was a hell of a good time! Now it’s back to life, back to reality. The Kelley family is on the move once again and leaving our beloved adopted city next Saturday. My last week of work on #suits starts Monday. My last day as #SamanthaWheeler is Friday. There are so many loving goodbyes to give and so much sh*# to pack up. So I guess I’ll just spend the rest of today sitting in my pj’s and panicking. Yeah that sounds like a good plan. 

Katherine Heigl(@katherineheigl)分享的貼文 於 張貼


無照律師》最終季大結局由主創艾倫科爾仕Aaron Korsh)首度執導演筒,將於 9 月 25 日於美國 USA 電視網首播。(etonline





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