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  3. 最佳門房還守在紐約!關於《摩登情愛》的真實故事與人物近況


By Catherine 2019-11-01 2019-11-01 15:09









此集根據 2014 年布萊恩吉蒂斯(Brian Gittis)的文章改編。雖然影集結尾充滿正面力量,在陽光映照之下,讓人推測這兩人會順利交往。但事實上,女方在約莫一個月後,和前男友復合了。


布萊恩後來在 2016 年的 Podcast 中透露,文章中的女子真的很喜歡這篇作品,在發表之後,他們還見面小酌,談論到這篇文章。雖然後來有試過再約會幾次,但彼此間的火花就是沒有點燃。




第六集:他看起來像老爸  這只是一頓晚餐吧? 






改編自 2006 年艾比謝爾(Abby Sher)的文章,不少細節都有在影集中真實呈現,像是男方襪子上的高爾夫圖案、一同共進義大利菜的時刻。但是不同的是,艾比在這頓晚餐後就知道了這段關係並非她所想要的,影集則是把情感延續到了這一晚之外。


















改編自丹薩維奇(Dan Savage)在 2005 年刊登出的文章。這集可說是改編幅度最多的一集,同志伴侶和流浪女子住在一個屋簷下,相處幾個月的情節全為虛構的。


在原本的故事,作者寫出的故事更為沉重。文章中有描繪出孩子的母親陷入毒癮和入獄時的困境。而寶寶的性別不同於影集,小男孩的生母最後一次探望他時,他才 3 歲。





I’m not a dog person. But my son wanted a dog and my husband got him one — for Christmas, 18 years ago. D.J. and Terry fell instantly in love with Stinker, the name our son chose for him. I interacted with “the dog,” as I called him those first few months, as little as possible. I was like Lucy from the Peanuts: “Ew! Dog germs!” I was happy he made D.J. happy and willing to tolerate his presence. But I didn’t really want to touch him and only petted him when D.J. insisted. I wound up bonding with the dog in the worst way possible — he was grievously injured in an accident and had to be driven to an emergency surgical vet three hours away. I didn’t know how to drive so I had to hold him. The vet told us we had to hold his head up — if we let him put his head down, which is what he wanted to do, he would die. So I sat in the front seat of the car holding this tiny puppy with a bandaged head against my chest. He stared up at me the entire drive with his one good eye; the other was under the bandage and he would lose it that day. He struggled in my arms at first, wanting to curl up in a ball, but eventually he relaxed and was still. When we got to the vet my shirt and the top of my jeans were soaked in blood and drool. Lots of dog germs. But it was okay because now I was in love with Stinker too. It was a miracle he survived the accident and lived for another 18 years — ancient for a dog. Just last year we took him to the beach and he ran around in the surf for hours. When he finally conked out, he went into Terry’s backpack. Until very recently it felt like he would live forever. We drove him to the vet one last time yesterday. I still don’t know how to drive so he sat on my lap, curled up in a ball, on the way there. It was really hard to say goodbye and the house doesn’t feel the same without him. I’m still not a dog person. Just because I fell in love with this dog doesn’t mean I’m going to fall in love with your dog. Or like your dog. Or want to pet your dog. But I understand how a person can love a dog and my heart will break a little for you when you lose yours.

Dan Savage(@dansavage)分享的貼文 於 張貼


2016 年時,丹薩維奇在訪問中透露,孩子的生母如今還活著也過得不錯,已經一個家可以居住了。雙方偶爾會通電話,現年 21 歲的兒子也會在母親節時和生母聊天,情況算是漸漸穩定了。





第八集:比賽來到最後一圈  變得更加美好 






根據伊芙佩爾(Eve Pell)在 2013 年的文章所改編。影集忠實還原了伊芙和她離世丈夫的故事,兩人一同慢跑、一起旅行,也共賞了丈夫人生中最後幾年的電影。


伊芙在 2017 年的訪問中透露,為了緩解丈夫去世後帶來的痛苦,她參加了提供慰藉給喪失親友者的組織。她在那遇見了另一個男人,也愛上他,但她說她不會再結婚了,「我沒辦法忍受有四個丈夫的念頭。這樣太多了(笑)。」





延伸閱讀:《摩 登 情 愛》爭議集數遭反彈!導演艾美羅森:藝術本該激發內心不適


延伸閱讀:《摩 登 情 愛》宛如八封浪漫情書!《曼哈頓戀習曲》編導談創作理念


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