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  3. 不捨《勇敢的安妮》三季結束!「死侍」公開喊話要Netflix續訂第四季


By Catherine 2020-01-06 2020-01-06 17:53

Netflix 日前上架與加拿大 CBC 電視網共同製作影集《勇敢的安妮》(Anne with an E)的最終季第三季。不僅粉絲對於劇集三季結束感到不捨,就連「死侍」萊恩雷諾斯Ryan Reynolds)都公開喊話,希望 Netflix 能續訂第四季。


勇敢的安妮》改編自作家露西莫德蒙哥馬利(Lucy Maud Montgomery)於 1908 年起出版的系列小說《清秀佳人》。故事背景設定於 1890 年時,主角安妮在孤兒院和寄養家庭中度過凌虐的童年生活後,被誤送至一位未婚老婦與其兄長同住的家中,她以堅毅精神、能言善道的機智以及豐富的想像力改變所居住的小鎮。


日前 Netflix 美國官方推特為宣傳最新上線影集,發布一段介紹影片,最後提起萊恩雷諾斯不斷要求他們推薦主演電影《鬼影特攻:以暴制暴》(Six Underground)。


結果,這位加拿大男星被標記後做出回應,但推文卻跟《鬼影特攻:以暴制暴》完全無關,而是向 Netflix 建議續訂《勇敢的安妮》,並在提議後寫道:「除非『最終季』只是用來表達『中途點』的一種有趣說法。」



貼文一出後立刻引來眾多《勇敢的安妮》忠實粉絲按讚,也讓女主角艾美貝絲麥潤蒂Amybeth McNulty)轉發推特玩笑寫道:「如果那建議被拒絕的話,我提議來個《勇敢的安妮》和《惡棍英雄:死侍》的交叉集。」







勇敢的安妮》主創莫莉亞瓦莉貝克特Moira Walley-Beckett)先前在 Netflix 宣布第三季為最終季時,在 Instagram 上發表長文,表達自己難過的心情,也透露期間他們很努力的爭取續訂,無奈最終還是沒有成功。此外,她也在美國《娛樂周刊》的訪問中提起在拍攝第三季時,不知曉此季即為最終季,並提起希望能有機會再推出大結局電影。



I love you so much for trying so hard and fighting a fierce fight with your big hearts and beautiful souls. You are a force of nature. Look at this amazing artwork inspired by love for Anne with an E!! I mean, I am amazed and so grateful. I have been moved to tears so many times in the last few weeks... so many, many tears. This is my child. I birthed her, I helped her grow, I cherish and adore her. AnnE means everything to me Please know that we fought, too. We tried to change their minds. We tried to find a new home. We tried for a finale movie... We tried our best. “Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.” LM Montgomery said that. Either way, we tried Art and Commerce is never an easy marriage. I often find it inexplicable. This is one of those times. But it’s impossible to argue with words like Economics, Algorithms, Demographics, etc., etc. But those words and others like them are the reason why the Networks don’t want to continue. And we didn’t find a taker anywhere else I know you’re upset and disappointed, sad and angry — I completely understand — because our beloved AnnE has been snatched away. If there was something more to do I would do it So now you know what I know. I guess this is a tragical romance after all. But then again love is love is love is love is love. And love is not lost when it is nurtured. We will always love our Anne with an E. We will always love Green Gables with our whole hearts and everything it stands for. They can’t take that away from us I love you so much. Thank you for fighting and loving my AnnE as much as I do Artwork by @emeriart and @luztapiaart #annewithane #awae #family #kindredspirits #foreverandaday

Moira Walley-Beckett(@moirawalleybeckett)分享的貼文 於 張貼


對於《勇敢的安妮》被取消的原因至今未正式公開,但外界揣測是與 CBC 和 Netflix 終止合作有關。根據加拿大《金融郵報》(Financial Post)報導,CBC 電視網高層曾表示,他們為了國內業界長久以來的發展著想,決定不再與 Netflix 聯手製作影集。


勇敢的安妮》全三季已在 Netflix 上線。(ComicbookFinancial Post






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