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  3. 《綠箭俠》全劇最後一天拍攝!監製演員PO文感性告別


By Thom 2019-11-14 2019-11-14 22:06

開啟 CW 綠箭宇宙的美劇《綠箭俠》(Arrow)最終季第八季昨日進行最後一天的拍攝,監製馬克古根海姆Marc Guggenheim)與貝絲史瓦茲Beth Schwartz)聯合在推特發佈一封信,感謝演員與劇組一直以來的努力。


馬克古根海姆貝絲史瓦茲:「致業界最棒的演員和劇組:很難相信今天就是最後一天拍攝《綠箭俠》,我們非常感謝每位幫助我們拍攝影集的人。製作本劇是不小的壯舉,全八季共 170 集,造就了多元宇宙的電視劇,以及電視史最浩大的交叉集,從開始到結束是一趟了不起的旅程。感謝參與本劇無以數計的人,打從心底感謝你們,謝謝你們成為《綠箭俠》故事結局的一份子,一直都感到很榮幸。」





史蒂芬艾梅爾Stephen Amell) :「今晚是我最後一次披上綠箭俠戰袍」,爾後又寫道:「剛結束與大衛拉姆西的最後一場戲,好似我已經拍完和每個常規演員的戲份,媽的。」






大衛拉姆西David Ramsey):「拍攝《綠箭俠》的最後一週,我的內心很充實…多數是被家人填滿。」



During my last week on Arrow, a lot of things fill my mind... but mostly family... #Arrow

David Ramsey(@davidpaulramsey)分享的貼文 於 張貼


凱蒂卡西迪Katie Cassidy):「不敢相信已經要結束了,你們大家在各個方面啟發我,很幸運能參與這趟不可思議的旅程,謝謝你們,親愛的我愛你們!」



卡爾登海尼斯Colton Haynes):「今天是我在《綠箭俠》的最後一天,最後一次能和這群對我付出很多的美麗的人們一起拍戲。這群人和我一起經歷喜樂的時光、給予我的協助是我無法回報的。謝謝葛瑞格貝蘭提領我踏上這趟美好的旅程,感謝所有了不起的編劇、製作人、演員、劇組和粉絲這些年來這麼棒的表現。」



茱莉安娜哈卡維Juliana Harkavy)上傳眼眶泛淚的照片,寫著:「此刻對你們的愛與感激難以言喻,對我們的演員、劇組、編劇和製作人深感驕傲,希望你們能喜歡最終季。也希望之後憶起現在,會覺得故事能感動、啟發你,成就更好的你。《綠箭俠》讓我變得更好,謝謝你們。」



I took this photo almost 4 years ago. I’d just gotten off a call with Warner Bros. where I learned my life was about to change forever. My journey on Arrow had begun, and I would be moving to Vancouver in a few days. I took this picture because I wanted to remember the feeling I had in that moment. The overwhelming excitement. The immense gratitude. At the time I had no idea where this adventure would lead. I didn’t know this show would have such an outstanding lifespan, or how many people, young and old, I would be able to meet and help through playing this character. Or how they would help me. Most of all, I didn’t know the greatest gift was waiting on the other side of the border. My cast. Who would welcome me with open arms and become my greatest source of strength. My soulmates. My family. And Stephen, our gracious and unwavering leader, to whom I am eternally grateful. Today begins our last week on Arrow. As thankful as I felt the day this photo was taken, nothing could describe how much that love and gratitude has grown. I am so proud of our cast, crew, writers, and producers. I hope you enjoy this final season. And I hope when you look back, you’ll find this story has moved you, inspired you, and changed you for the better. Because of #Arrow, I have been changed, for good. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Juliana Harkavy(@julianaharkavy)分享的貼文 於 張貼


科林唐納Colin Donnell):「感謝《綠箭俠》大家族帶給我的回憶和趣事,尤其是史蒂芬艾梅爾,恭喜你成就了最棒的一季。」



綠箭俠》最終季第八季於美國 CW 熱播中,大結局將於 2020 年 1 月 28 日播出。(tvguide






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