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  3. 《絕命毒師》亞倫保羅歡慶40歲!豪擲千萬邀「老白」入住私人度假村


By Thom 2019-09-05 2019-09-05 14:02

絕命毒師》(Breaking Bad)男星亞倫保羅Aaron Paul)上個月底(8 月 27 日)剛滿四十歲,為慶祝生日,他豪擲 30 萬美金(約新台幣 926 萬)入住多明尼加共和國的安妮私人度假村(Ani Private Resorts Dominican Republic)。同行的人除了妻子蘿倫保羅(Lauren Paul)和親友,還有《絕命毒師》「老白」布萊恩克萊斯頓Bryan Cranston)、《朝聖之路》(The Path)女星蜜雪兒莫娜漢Michelle Monaghan)。


根據美國《時人雜誌》(People)報導,亞倫保羅下榻面大西洋的海景別墅共有十四個房間,每晚要價 25,000 美金,一行人停留十二天,總計 30 萬美金,約 926 萬台幣。


亞倫保羅布萊恩克萊斯頓背對夕陽,坐在海邊啜飲兩人合作成立品牌「Dos Hombres」的梅斯卡爾酒,看起來相當愜意。




亞倫保羅的妻子與蜜雪兒莫娜漢紛紛在 Instagram 上傳渡假照片,妻子發表長篇感言,搭配著一張與亞倫保羅的合照,看起來非常甜蜜。


▼ 蘿倫保羅 IG 祝賀丈夫生日快樂:「幾天前是這位天使的四十歲生日,我們與外界隔絕,和摯愛的人一起慶祝。剛看到這張照片,我笑得很開心,你以最純粹的愛和喜悅,注視著下方看著我們四個月的孩子,你是最棒的父親…」



@aaronpaul This angels 40th birthday was a couple days ago! We’ve been off the grid, phone-free celebrating with loved ones. I just came across this photo and it put the biggest smile on my face. You looking down at what would have been 4 month old Story, the purest love and joy in your eyes. You are the most amazing father. On the morning of your 40th, you read letters that I collected for you from your friends and family. I loved hearing the common threads throughout them...hearing about qualities in you that are so deeply engrained into the fabric of who you are that have effected the people in your life: That you consistently show up for people during their hardest times. . That you encourage and inspire people to live in their own unique truth. . That you have remained true to yourself and have never changed who you are. From looking for quarters in your couch to be able to get dinner, never giving up on your dream to eventually finding huge success, you have held onto your heart and your integrity. . That you treat everyone in a room with the same amount of respect and love, no matter who they are, friend or stranger. . That you bring HUGE joy and fun to every situation. . That you dream and love so BIG, it’s contagious. . That every persons most special memories and adventures have been facilitated by and shared with you. . That you are committed to family. . That everyone who works with you, from cast to crew, consistently says you are their favorite person they have ever worked with not only because of how lucky they feel to witness your talent, but because of how you treat every person and because of the positivity you bring onto set. . That you have changed the lives of your friends and have made them better humans. . That you have inspired EVERY man in your life to love out loud and to not be scared to honor and embrace their sensitivity. . That you are pure magic. . You are. Happy birthday best friend, soul mate, lover. I feel so lucky to live life alongside each other, pinky finger holding forever. .  @samanthamarq

Lauren Paul(@laurenpaul8)分享的貼文 於 張貼



▼ 曾與亞倫保羅在《朝聖之路》合作的女星蜜雪兒莫娜漢,也上傳一張與壽星的合照,和自己非常開心的獨照,寫著:「過去一週有幸能幫我地表上最愛的人之一-亞倫保羅,在我看過最美的地方之一-多明尼加共和國安妮私人度假村為他慶祝。言語無法形容有多難忘,我們一起笑、一起哭、一起舞蹈,彷彿我們只有彼此。兄弟四十歲生日快樂,非常感謝有你…」



亞倫保羅主演《絕命毒師》電影《續命之徒:絕命毒師電影》(El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie)將於 10 月 11 日上線 Netflix ,布萊恩克萊斯頓是否現身電影不得而知。於第三季新加入的 HBO 科幻影集《西方極樂園》(Westworld)預計 2020 年上半年回歸。其它新作還有 Apple TV+原創驚悚影集《Truth Be Told》。(People






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