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  3. CBS取消《探案第六感追緝令》!不再推出第三季


By Catherine 2019-08-19 2019-08-19 10:37

CBS 犯罪美劇《探案第六感追緝令》(Instinct)現正在美國播出第二季,主創暨監製麥可勞奇(Michael Rauch)日前在推特宣布劇集遭到取消的消息,不再推出第三季。


探案第六感追緝令》改編自驚悚小說之王詹姆斯派特森(James Patterson)的同名原著,描述前中情局特工迪倫試圖建立起「正常」生活,在大學教授精神病行為,享受著平靜的生活。然而,一日紐約警探莉茲出現,說服他幫忙追捕一名連環殺人犯,因此讓他重回了過往的生活…


男主角迪倫由《傲骨賢妻》(The Good Wife)男星艾倫康明Alan Cumming)飾演,女主角由《無恥家庭》(Shameless)寶珍娜諾娃柯維克(Bojana Novakovic)演出。








So the word is out. @Instinctcbs will not be returning for a third season. Almost exactly three years ago I was sent a galley copy of a book by @jamespattersonbooks and @howardroughan and then I met the show runner @mbr34 who was to adapt it for TV and I jumped in. And I’m still in, for two more episodes tomorrow and the last one ever next Sunday. And while I’m sorry I won’t be getting to play with @bojnovak and the rest of the amazing cast and crew again, I’m grateful for two seasons of fun and gore and feeling like a dandy thanks to @danlawsonstyle’s costumes, and selfies with corpses and vegan options at catering and Lala’s occasional guest appearances in the police station when she got bored in her basket beneath my desk. I’m also proud to have played the first ever leading character in a US network drama who is gay. Yes, really. Because of @Instinctcbs millions of people will have seen a same sex marriage portrayed for the first time and I hope we changed and opened some minds in the process.

Alan Cumming(@alancummingsnaps)分享的貼文 於 張貼


探案第六感追緝令》第二季最終集將於 8 月 25 日在美國播出。(Deadline






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