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  3. 《漢娜的遺言》第三季演什麼?追劇前必知八件事


By Thom 2019-08-16 2019-08-15 00:10




除了延續前兩季的校園霸凌、性侵與槍械暴力,第三季可能觸及墮胎議題。由於布萊斯的女友克蘿伊已懷孕,去年五月飾演布萊斯的男星賈斯汀普倫提斯Justin Prentice)接受 Entertainment Tonight 訪問,透露第三季:「我想可能會觸及墮胎,看本劇如何處理會非常有意思。布萊斯來自一個有權勢的家庭,他們自有方式能掩蓋事實」。




去年五月飾演漢娜的澳洲女星凱薩琳蘭福德Katherine Langford)曾在  Instagram 告別漢娜一角,表明不會回歸第三季。有鑑於本劇一切都是從漢娜的自殺開始,若出現她的回憶畫面也不足為奇。



"Hannah...I love you...and I let you go" Those are the words I was able to say six months ago, and now can finally share with you as my journey on @13reasonswhy has officially come to an END! As most of you know, this was my first ever job and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to tell Hannah's story so fully in season 1, and to be asked back for a season 2. Thankyou to @netflix @paramountpics @anoncontent , the incredible producers, creatives, cast and crew for making these last 2 years so special. And to all of you here - Thankyou for filling my life with love and light  This show will always be a special part of my life, and regardless of whether Hannah is there or not, I know that I will continue to strive to do work that is meaningful and has a positive impact - whether that be in film, music, or any other form of art. There is a lot coming up this next year, and I can't wait to share it with you  #hannahbaker

Katherine Langford(@katherinelangford)分享的貼文 於 張貼













漢娜的遺言》於 8 月 1 日發布正式預告,同一天 Netflix 官方也宣布續訂最終季第四季的消息。根據美國《綜藝報》(Variety)報導,第四季將刻劃要角自高中畢業,目前已展開拍攝



漢娜的遺言》第三季共十三集將於 8 月 23 日上線 Netflix。






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